Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Fever

When the huge pine trees are up and set with the shinny lighting and the beautiful ornaments hanging on it in the major shopping malls in town, indicating Christmas is just around the corner... and yes, I just realiazed, Christmas is coming in less then 2 weeks time... *gasp*

I remember when I was a child, I always looking forward for Christmas. Every year, I will hang my hand-made vanilla card sock at the headboard of my bed on Christmas Eve, and the next day, my mum the Santa Clause will leave a gift inside my stocking, and it filled my day with joy. Although I knew my Santarina mum was the Santa Clause, however, it's the joyful moment of opening the gift, the special and surprise gift that makes up my day, instead the whole Christmas Day.

As a grown up today, I still love opening Christmas gifts. It's not because I greed of gifts but the thoughts and people who gives the gifts which I treasure, and not to mention that, Christmas is still the season I am looking forward. For me, it's a season which celebrates by everyone irrespective of age, race and religion. It not just a festive season but Christmas is a holiday season, and it's also a mating season *ops, am I just mentioning the mating season*? Yes, who can deny that when people are in the Holiday mood, people are exciting, more relaxing and therefore, mating will be next thing appears in mind. Hehehe...

Every year, I will start having these Christmas Fever starting end of November and just can't wait to set up my Christmas tree and decorating the house, wrapping some gifts to leave under the Christmas Tree and can't wait to spend more money to have my friends to come over for Christmas dinner and gift exchange... But this year, the fever still hasn't set-in yet...mainly due to the stress in my job and the renovation works still on-going in our new house I guess... Life hasn't seemed leaving me a moment to breathe since the beginning of November this year... I pray that, everything will be going smoothly and we can move in on-time and to celebrate a nice and our very First Christmas in our New House *fingers crossed*